News & Events
Dr. Priya Somnarain and Dr. Charrai Byrd Visited Touro College of Pharmacy to Share Tips on Becoming Successful Pharmacists
By Henry Cohen, PharmD, Dean of the Touro College of Pharmacy
PharmD’s network, mingle, and interview with pharmacy representatives in retail and residency positions.
Three Tips From Joy Solomon, Esq. on Knowing the Signs and Your Responsibilities
Touro College of Pharmacy Hosts Regional Event
By Professor Elhanan Marvit, Director of Administrative Services of the Touro Graduate School of Social Work
Professor Elhanan Marvit, Director of Administrative Services of the Touro Graduate School of Social Work, shares his thoughts for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement
Some tips and advice from the Class of 2015
A List of User-Friendly Guidelines Compiled by the Chair of Our Physical Therapy Department
Faculty and staff congratulate the class of 2015 and share some advice