This vs That – Confused between This and That?

Word 1: That (THAT)

Meaning 1: Used to introduce an exclamatory clause.

Example Sentence: Kelly said that she met the president of the student run organization at a party.

Meaning 2: Used to identify a person, an event etc. as mentioned before.

Example Sentence: We were introduced at a party and after that we met quite often.

Word 2: This (THIS)

Meaning 1: Something that is close at hand and under immediate observation. 

Example Sentence: The boss said, “We will continue this discussion tomorrow morning.”

Meaning 2: Someone or something near in place or time.

Example Sentence: Sam said to me, “This is the instructor I wanted you to meet.”

Meaning 3: Something that has been indicated in a subsequent expression. 

Example Sentence: The teacher said, “This is what I want to tell you about fruits; they are the best source of vitamins and minerals.”

Example Sentence using both words:

The teacher said to the student before the test, “This is something that I really want you to understand.”