Tishrei for Medical Professionals: Sukkos — The Zman for Lulav and Intricacies of the Sukkah

September 21, 2023 3:00pm ET
09/21/23 3:00 PM Tishrei for Medical Professionals: Sukkos — The Zman for Lulav and Intricacies of the Sukkah Tishrei for Medical Professionals: Sukkos — The Zman for Lulav and Intricacies of the Sukkah

This is part four of a four-part series for medical professionals.

Numerous students, residents and medical professionals commence their work shifts quite early in the morning, which leads to many questions regarding observance of Sukkos. What is the earliest permissible time to fulfill the mitzvah of shaking lulav and esrog? And if one shakes the lulav and esrog very early, is there a need to repeat the ritual later in the day? Additionally, when an individual is on duty in a hospital, where their primary focus is tending to patients, they may encounter challenges in accessing or utilizing a sukkah for meals. What foods can or cannot be consumed outside the sukkah in such circumstances?

Keynote Speaker

Rabbi Yossi SprungRabbi Yossi Sprung
Rav, Shaare Zedek Medical Center

Rabbi Sprung is a leading authority on medical halacha. He is the founder and Rosh Beis Medrash Gevoah for Medical Halacha, renowned for his expertise and leadership in addressing complex medical halacha from across the Jewish world.

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About the Series

Doctors and other medical professionals face unique challenges during the month of Tishrei. This year, their concerns and issues will be addressed in a special series presented by Rabbi Yossi Sprung, founder of the Beis Medrash Govoha for Medical Halacha, and Rav of Sharei Tzedek. Gain valuable insights to navigate the Yamim Noraim and clinical responsibilities.


The series is presented by Shaarei Zedek Medical Center, Beis Medrash Govoha for Medical Halacha and Touro University.