Jewish Leadership in the Past Millennium

November 6, 2022 9:30am – November 7, 2022 2:00pm ET
11/6/22 9:30 AM 11/7/22 2:00 PM Jewish Leadership in the Past Millennium Lander College for Women Jewish Leadership in the Past Millennium
Lander College for Women
227 W 60th St, New York, NY 10023

The conference will be devoted to the topic of Jewish Leadership in the Past Millennium and will explore dimensions and examples of rabbinic, intellectual, cultural, communal, educational, political, and social leadership.

This conference will take place in-person in Manhattan, and will be live-streamed here. Please note that the New York City Marathon on Sunday may affect travel time by car.


Day One: Sunday, November 6, 2022

9:30 AM - Registration and Breakfast

10:00 AM - Greetings: Dr. Alan Kadish, President, Touro University

10:15 AM - Session One: Jewish Leadership in Medieval Europe

  • Chair - Moshe Sokol, Lander College for Men
  • R. Judah the Pious: A Saint, Real or Imagined - Susan Weissman, Lander College for Women
  • R. Moses Taku of Regensburg: Rabbinic Outsider or Tosafist of Moment? - Ephraim Kanarfogel, Yeshiva University
  • Between Public & Private: Immanuel of Rome on Virtue and Vice - Dana Fishkin, Lander College for Women
  • Revisiting the Response of Portuguese Jewish Leadership to the Refugees of the Spanish Expulsion - Michael A. Shmidman, Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies

12:00 PM - Lunch

12:45 PM - Session Two: Jewish Leadership in 19th-20th Century Europe

  • Chair - Shnayer Leiman, Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies
  • Stealing the Opponent’s Thunder: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and Reform - Judith Bleich, Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies
  • Silent or Outspoken? French Jewish Leadership and the Dreyfus Affair - Zvi Kaplan and Lauren Lockshin, Lander College for Women

1:45 PM - Coffee Break and Mincha

2:00 PM - Session Three: Jewish Leadership in 20th Century America

  • Chair - Marian Stoltz-Loike, Lander College for Women
  • “Ish ufkudato”: The Mission-Based Leadership of Dr. Bernard Lander - Stanley Boylan, Touro University
  • The Leadership of the New Haven Yeshiva, 1923-1937 - Ira Robinson, Concordia University
  • The Mikveh War that Divided Cincinnati's Jews and Empowered American Orthodoxy - Jonathan Sarna, Brandeis University
  • The Career and Legacy of Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman - Moshe Sherman, Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies

Day Two: Monday, November 7, 2022

9:30 AM - Registration and Breakfast

10:00 AM - Session Four: Jewish Leadership in American Law

  • Chair - Elena Langan, Touro Law Center
  • Louis Brandeis as a Jewish Leader - Samuel J. Levine, Touro Law Center
  • Jewish Leadership in the Law: David L. Bazelon - Jeffrey B. Morris, Touro Law Center
  • Elena Kagan: Jewish Leadership in Dissent - Rodger D. Citron, Touro Law Center

11:30 AM - Coffee Break

11:45 AM - Session Five: Jewish Leadership in 19th-21st Century Europe and America

  • Chair - Henry Abramson, Lander College of Arts and Sciences and Machon L’Parnasa Institute for Professional Studies
  • Print Power: Leadership through the Printed Word---Three 19th Century Rabbinical Leaders - Simcha Fishbane, Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies
  • The Best of East and West: Models of Orthodox Jewish Educational Leadership in the Beginning of the 20th Century - Gabor Kerekes, Touro School for Lifelong Education
  • Polish Jewish Leadership in the Aftermath of the Holocaust - Natalia Aleksiun, University of Florida and Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies
  • A Typology of Leadership as Applied to Recent Jewish History - Mervin Verbit, Touro University

1:30 PM - Light Refreshments

Please register below.