Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Searching PubMed Effectively for Research
March 17, 2025 12:00pm 1:00pm ET
03/17/25 12:00 PM
03/17/25 1:00 PM
Searching PubMed Effectively for Research
Searching PubMed Effectively for Research
Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
This session will help you develop an effective search strategy for PubMed, the most well-known database for health and biomedical research.
We’ll discuss how to select and combine search terms. We’ll demonstrate ways to limit searches, review and edit search details, and how to collect citations best. We'll also show you how to access the full-text articles through Touro University Libraries and discuss what to do if we do not have the full text of an article.
Rhonda Altonen
Director of TouroCOM Library in Harlem