Human Rights Resources

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Bayefsky Website

UN Human Rights Treaty Database 

The UN human rights treaties are at the core of the international system for the promotion and protection of human rights. Every UN member state is a party to one or more of the nine major human rights treaties. It is a universal human rights legal system which applies to virtually every child, woman or man in the world. The successful implementation of the human rights treaty standards, whether at the international or national level, depends on their accessibility to the victims of human rights abuse. This means both familiarity with the standards and access to remedial mechanisms.


UN Human Rights

UN Human Rights Treaty Information Portal

The purpose of this internet portal is to enhance the access of human rights victims and their advocates to electronic information concerning the international human rights treaty system. 


Human Rights Voices

Human Rights Voices - Anti-Semitism as Human Rights at the UN

The United Nations rose from the ashes of World War II and the Holocaust. The UN's original vision was that of a beacon for moral values. The starting point of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights was clear: "Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind..."  Today, human rights are the most powerful political currency of our time.  In the 21st century, however, the United Nations has become a vehicle for the spread of modern antisemitism. Most pernicious, is the fact that antisemitism - discrimination against the Jewish people and the Jewish state - is being spread using the vocabulary of human rights and instruments that claim to be dedicated to international human rights protection.