Institutional Compliance

Touro University’s OIC continues to update its resources and training in order to keep members of the University community apprised of any new policies or procedural changes that impact Touro and also helps with other internal training needs.

The OIC provides other resources for the entire Touro University community and is an avenue for employees with concerns of wrongdoing or suspected violations of Touro policies or laws. In situations when reporting misconduct would be inappropriate, or when it would not resolve the issue (i.e. a complaint pertains to the supervisor’s conduct), employees are encouraged to contact the OIC, or the Human Resources department, as necessary. In addition to this reporting mechanism, an anonymous hotline is available as a means of reporting misconduct in situations where a member of the University community fears reprisal, embarrassment, or for other reasons does not feel comfortable utilizing normal reporting channelsThe hotline may be reached by dialing the following number: (646) 565-6000 x55330

For more information on Touro’s management standards or other compliance issues or resources, contact the OIC by e-mail at