Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Engeye Experience: Reflections on Uganda from an Anne C. Carter Global Health Fellow
Savitha Bonthala, MS3 at Touro Univ. College of Osteopathic Medicine and Anne C. Carter Global Health Fellow
Graduate School of Social Work
Touro College Graduate School of Social Work Student Presents Research at International Conference in Israel
Chana Lazar Presents Research On Trauma and Younger Adults in Nursing Homes at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Singing for Harlem’s supper (and lunch)
Key of DO (American Medical Student Association) club at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine deliver Valentine’s Day candy grams.
Lander College for Men
Welcome back bingo
B 27 anyone? This past motzei Shabbos, our first back on campus after winter break, LCM students hosted Bingo night. With a twist.
Lander College for Men
Chocolate Fountains, Dried Fruit and Tu b’shvat Torah
Everything is better with chocolate.
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Healthfirst: what to focus on
Students intern at Healthfirst.
Graduate School of Social Work
Touro College Graduate School of Social Work Takes Part in Eighth Annual 'HOPE' Survey
25 Students, Faculty, and Alumni Canvass Manhattan
Graduate School of Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Professor Dr. Natalia Aleksiun Awarded Three Research Fellowships
Marking an outstanding achievement in academia, Graduate School of Jewish Studies Associate Professor Dr. Natalia Aleksiun has earned three research fellowships for the current academic year at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York and the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv, Ukraine.
Lander College for Men
Post finals/Pre-vacation breather
Otherwise known as a tisch.