The following sanctions may be imposed for violation of this Policy. Informal resolution of violations can be accompanied by Class C sanctions only. Formal resolution can be accompanied by any combination of sanctions from Class A, B, and C. Except in the case of a student’s expulsion or dismissal, any student found to have violated this Policy is required to take additional ethics tutorials intended to assist student to avoid future misconduct. (Academic Integrity Plagiarism Tutorial, https://libguides.tourolib.org/AI, for an overview on how to avoid plagiarism. Scroll down the page for the link to the Touro University Academic Integrity Test, https://libguides.tourolib.org/research-101 that will go to the instructor’s email.)
Class A Sanctions:
- Expulsion/dismissal
- Revocation of awarded degree in the event that the violation is identified after graduation
Class B Sanctions:
- Suspension (up to twenty-four months)
- Indication of the violation in a letter of reprimand, in reference letters, licensure and regulatory forms, etc.
- Notification of the violation to the other schools within the Touro University System
- Indication of ‘disciplinary action for academic integrity violation’ on the permanent transcript
Class C Sanctions:
- Placement on Academic Probation
- Failure in the course, with consequences as determined by the individual program’s rules and regulations
- Reduction of the grade for a particular submitted piece of work, segment of work required for a course/clerkship, or the entire course/clerkship with or without the option of redoing the work or the course/clerkship
- Requiring the student to redo the assignment or to do an alternative assignment, which may include a grade reduction